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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  May 15, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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here we go again. just a whole lot earlier. you're looking live at san marcos, california, a press conference on the severity of a fire that has gone out of control and is massive. their burning out of control in at least 16 different locations, threatening homes and residents right now already been told to get out. most already have. the fire scorching at least 700 acres thus far. this is not new to southern california or the west coast. it's dealt with these fires before, just not this early in the season and that's why it's getting as much attention as it is. the impact this could have on
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the state's fragile economy, anyone's guess. already fedex, for example, is issuing service alerts and saying this could affect deliveries to and from what is a vital transportation hub. the reverberation fast and furious. a lot more in a moment. what makes this stand out besides the severity is the fact that it's happening so, so early. in the meantime, this. [chanting] >> the scene moments ago. protesters storming a mcdonald in oakland, california, urging workers to walk out. what they're demanding is a hike in the minimum wage, and a big one. is it going to cost them their jobs? welcome on these cross-currents out of our we were state, what it means, some 150 cities
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involved in this. fast-food workers demanding $15 an hour. not just the 10.10 the president seeks of the next few years, put these union-backed protests are getting a good deal of attention and a good deal of support from the unions. critics are saying is it really union workers comprising the protest movement? the food fight and its implications has everyone worried but the implications go far beyond those fast-food workers. to dominique. >> a noisy protest at, reflects a number of those going on around the world. actually 230 around the world. these workers and they're supporters don't care how fat mcdonald's' profits were. they say the average $8 an hour
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is not enough to make a living. >> i recently got 200. >> is that enough to live on? >> not really. you have to pay for food, for the bills at home. >> screwing the little guy. without doubt. that is the top reason. there's going to be other economic reasons. social economic reasons, but that's the biggest one. >> the people who work here deserve a living wage. they deserve $15 an hour and benefits. >> but the fast-food chains say the $15 target is up realistic and is going to lead to a loss in head counts especially when the companies are saying -- the price of beef going up 40%. the workers say their demand is basic rights and dignity and about representation of unions in the workplace. they tried to create a global movement where they can arm wrestle the fast-food companies into paying that wage, which they say is in fact realistic with the times today.
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>> thank you very much. keep in mind the minimum wage hike the president is seeking is 10.10. these guys want a minimum of $15 an hour. they've get their way, jamie says everybody will pay. erica says, that's not the case. and we're making a big deal of this. erica, i can ski a hike in minimum wage, but 15 decide? >> that's. a. what would youike like to see? >> not 15. >> how about 10.10. >> do you took these guys are ready to pay that? the institutions they're targeting are ready to pay that? >> this is the thing and what we're seeing in the fast-food strike is that institutions need to get on board with the higher minimum wage because if they don't get on board with the higher minimum wage, the higher minimum wage is going to be a lot higher than they want to be. so if i were a conservative today -- >> sounds like a threat, erica.
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>> i would -- >> either hike it or we're going to shove something else down your throat. >> this is going to keep on going. this is a protest today happened on six continents, 230 cities. this is only going to continue. so if republicans want to be smart, make a deal. >> what do you make of this, this might be a strategy to say, count your lucky stars, that 10.10, because we could push 15, and this is all just a very clever negotiating ploy. >> neil, i think erica's is confusing this. the reality is hard working americans are struggling to get on their feet.>> hard working as working -- can't support themes, jamie. >> white castle is 10,000 strong. we pay a great wage and offer health insurance benefit and profit-sharing and these are
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kids. -- it's only 5% of fast-food workers who are minimum wage. these are people are learning what it takes to be successful in their future life when it comes to learning skills like permanent responsibility and hospitality -- >> james, what do you think is going to happen in this event? that if they get -- lea say it's 10 or -- what are the burger kings can do. >> you're still over the cliff. the economy is struggling and we're tried to provide more jobs so now is not the time to raise the minimum wage. let's talk about earned income tax credits and giving help to those who need it the most and give more opportunity to -- >> here's the thing, jamie, here the thing -- >> let me ask you this. who is standing up for the 21 million people who don't have the jobs they want and don't
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have any employment and every minimum wage increase we know has raised unemployment. >> listen, you have to understand that when somebody walks into a place of work and works full time, it is critical they are able to support themselves. 50% of fast-food food workers are on government assistance. you cannot build a strong society if somebody works 40 hours a week -- at poverty level. >> if you went up to $15 an hour and all these other works were paid substantially above the minimum wage right now, they're going to be bypassed and they'll demand high wages and do you think the companies and franchisees and all of those who are operating these stores are going to be able to afford to keep all of those workers or do you think some will be let go? >> well, here's what the cbo report says, they said we would potentially lose half a million jobs, and that -- >> 5 hon thousand. that's a big number.
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>> it is but it's not as big a number of 16 million, and 16 million is the number of people who have more money in their pocket dire your wish is to provide -- >> don't understand if give your customers a raise. >> if you give the workers the raise in order to pay for it, these stores have to raise the price of burgers or fries -- that americans will happily suck that up because it's in the bitter interests of the workers and they share you view. do you think -- every time mcdonald's raises the price of the value meal it hurts their business. >> every -- >> right . no right now -- >> that's something -- >> jamie. >> if customers don't have money to spend -- >> guys, what this happy -- >> stop, stop, you're killing me. what is the sensible wage sniff it isn't 15, or seven or eight now.
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what would be acceptable? that's what we're coming down to. erica? >> i'm okay not happy with 10.10. >> jamie? >> this is a failed policy. we believe in the marketplace -- >> you feel like you're being pushed -- but if it goes up and mitt romney says it should go up. what do you say? what would you bequest -- quasi-comfortable. >> in the neighborhood we live, it's giving people great opportunity because 35 -- an average -- >> you think it's acceptable for someone to work full time and not be able to support themselves. do you believe that is -- >> shouldn't the government -- erica -- shouldn't the government take more responsibility for providing the environment gets hiring and increasing wages than what you findded to that straps them to the point they're scaling back
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benefits, cutting costs. there's a big difference between a gap, a major retailer and a small guy running a pizza shop or franchisee. >> i think what the administration has said is they want to raise the minimum wage in order to help boost the economy. >> would you be open to steering it different levels for different businesses? >> i'm not comfortable with anyone working full-time and not being able to support themselves. >> you didn't answer my question. a difference between the minimums -- between the gaps paying upwards of $15, and if guy runs a local pizza shop or franchisee, sell are burgers and fries, paying that. >> i think there should be a floor underneath which you can't go. so the pizza guy and the gap should have a floor of 10-10. white castle pays more than mcdonald's and have extra benefits. if more companies were like
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white castle -- >> they're higher than the minute. >> wanted to get past talking points. >> national hamburger month. we'll meet in south plain field. >> in the meantime to san marcos, california. talk about literally a fiery debate here. a fire the likes of which they have not seen in this area in quite some time. getting out of control. will carr has the latest. >> reporter: this was an afternoon when firefighters hoped to get the upper hand on the fire, and actually quite the opposite happened. fire has raced up this hillside. there are a number of homes in this area that have been within feet of this fire. the fire was actually converging on these homes from two sides. the winds have been pushing the flames around there. the santa ana winds are shifting and will push the fire one way and then in an opposite direction. stay on this shot.
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i want to explain to you what is off to my right. there's another huge plume of smoke. we're told that is another part of this fire. these are all hot spot that spring up. over to my right apparently is where they're concentrating the air support here. dropping retardant over this because evidently the fire is racing toward a neighborhood filled if homes. there's been new evacuations in the area. so many people keeping a close eye on exactly what is happening out here while these firefighters are doing everything they can to save these communities. a lot of this is due to the conditions that we have had. yesterday and today were both red-flag-warning. the winds are picking up and you have perfect conditions for fires like these. >> we want to update you on the impact this is having. fedex is already saying,
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package delivery, traffic is being impacted as we speak. and don't think the tourism industry isn't looking at this close rye light now. it was two years ago we had the fierce fires in colorado that extended out west and that would put a severe hit on people planning trips to the west coast and beyond. that was two years ago. the fires were pretty bad. and of course, it was a year ago, just a year ago, that we had the prescott, arizona, fires, where 19 firefighters lost their lives. talk about an impact. but both of those fires, year ago and the year prior, happened in june and july. this is may. this is early. this is bad. fire officials there in half our -- in 15 minutes will tell us how bad. get all your favorites all day, everyday.
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>> we'll never understand why one person escaped and another didn't. how random it all seems. and how powerless it makes us all feel. but what this museum does is allow us to see that we absolutely can effect each other's lives by what we do at a time of crisis. >> pretty powerful, emotional ceremony to mark the opening of the 9/11 museum. america's mayor rudy giuliani. you were very moving, mayor. you have seen the human. -- seen the museum and we talk about all the kid born since who don't feel that. how do you tell them? >> i think the human will help. it's a very powerful experience. i've been there, of course, while it was being developed at various times. i'm an honorary chairman and member of the board. i went to see it yesterday for two hours to get a sense of what -- the completed museum.
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i was deeply moved. and for me to be deeply moved after all these years -- i lived through this experience a thousand types, explaining it to people or testifying about it or writing about it. it was almost like going through it all over again, and to see -- for me this two most powerful things were to see the things left behind by the people. many of those things i used to help identify people. because people weren't identified by and large in the way we normally. with belt buckles or shoes. saw some of the things i identified to morgue. >> still men who are unaccounted for. >> when i saw the first thing i was standing there in a temporary morgue and thought, this is somebody's body part. and that got to me.
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the second one strangely enough was seeing the television footage of the cloud over manhattan because i lived in that cloud for 40 minutes trying to get out, and getting my people out. reminded me of a nuclear cloud when i was going through it. and now when i see the pictures, including from the satellite, unbelievably powerful. i know why so many people were injured. those are the difficult things, and then seeing my friends on the wall was difficult. >> you know, a lot of folks -- you and i particularly remember the day like yesterday -- but a lot of people don't, and i have two sons myself who were born after that. so, how do you keep that alive? what do you do? >> i think this museum will help do that. i remember having a similar experience way back in 1985, first time i went to jerusalem. i knew all about the holocaust.
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i had even handled a nazi war criminal case. i was in the middle of handling one. i felt something of an expert on that. but then to go through jesus jem and see what happened to the jews and what the nazis did, and you're completely exhausted, and then when you see the numbers, and it makes you to the extent you can, understand the holocaust. i believe this museum can do the same thing. makes you understand the devastation of what happened there. and also the resiliency of the people. there's an upside to this museum. half of it brings you down and half brings you up when you think of the remarkable heroism and the people i introduced today who i went to see 15 minutes after they were rescued at st. vincent's hospital in bellevue. these men were saved by a miracle. they fell all these stories, they got caught in an alcove,
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the building fell on them. but they were just in like a perfect storm, perfect situation. they were right in the middle of an area that is protected and they were all saved. so you get stories like that. and when you say to me, children born after, i thought've tarry -- terry hat ', married to my administrative assistance, and she was born after terry passed, and terry never knew about her. but disis the way you teach them. this is part of history and they have to know about it. >> thank you, mayor, for then and now. >> thank you, neil. >> we'll have more soon. i have low testosterone. there, i said it.
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if you remember correctly the irs was quick to throw its cincinnati office under the proverbial investigation bus and the whole targeting conservative thing but new documents reveal that the targeting came also due east. try washington. judicial watch uncovering it. chris farrell is the group's director of research and investigation with more on it, at is mary katherine hamm. let's go through what we now know, the train of events here, that this did emanate from washington, wasn't some rouge agents in cincinnati. explain. >> the e-mails could not possibly be any clearer. there are staff members in the headquarters of the irs, communicating with other irs employees, they're discussing the sensitive cases, as they termed them, and coordinating the strategy and then saying they have to wait on taking
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knives and get approval from -- taking action and get approval from washington. >> mary catherine, the issue of senator carl levin inquiring about all these groups, largely conservative groups, claiming tax exempt status and wanted the irs to look into it. is any of that untoward or illegal? >> it's all quite brash, isn't it? to have a senator writing the irs, name his political opponents and say what's the best way we can work these guys over? the irs is an incredibly powerful agency, it's important -- >> just to be clear. their office says it wasn't that. the way it was termed. what's the deal with all this unusual number of conservative groups trying to get tax exempt status at the same time. you think there was more to it. >> it sounds a little untoward to me, yes. when it comes to the irs it's clare there was an abuse of power going on here and it was
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political and was directed from washington and the white house has been claiming the exact opposite the entire time. these e-mails say, we're creating a way to deal with these tea party sensitive groups in washington. don't proceed until we finished figuring it out. >> chris, where do you think this goes now that we have some dots that lead to washington. me suspects in the mainstream environment and the shrugging shoulder mainstream media environment it goes nowhere. >> it goes beyond lois lerner. this isn't upon taken you human combustion. this an organized cam pawn to target political opponents and bring the full without of the government against them. this doesn't happen in a vacuum or by accident itch tie it back to political operatives out of the white house or the dnc. there's high-level democratic involvement. these people in the irs did not just spontaneously decide to go
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after tea party groups by name. >> we don't know. this much we do know,-under tarring groups were conservatives and didn't emanate just out of cincinnati. thank you very much. want to switch to breaking develops in southern california, where wildfires are burning out of control. we're expect agnus conference any moment. we have san diego county district supervisor bill horn, who has never seen anything like this before. supervisor, what can you tell us? >> well, it's unfortunately the san marcos and the carlsbad fires started to flare up again because the winds just came back so that's the pig issue right -- the big issue right now, and fortunately for us we have six air tankers on this and about 20 helicopters flying, but even these two fires, we still have a lot of hot spots left from yesterday. we had seven major fires alone. >> you know this area far better
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than i. what i have learned from a number of people is that you're used to severe fires and have dealt with them god nose in the past -- god knows in the past but these are coming early which is unusual. >> normally we get santa ana winds in october and november rather than february. that's when we normally have our fires, and the -- but this is a very hot time, very low humidity, less than five percent, very heavy winds. yesterday and the day before there were 60 to 70-miles-an-hour winds. today they haven't been that way. the winds just came back a little bit. they're about 40-miles-an-hour now. so that's a big issue. i've been through a lot of fires in 20 years, the witch cream, paradise, i've seen a lot of fires. these fires are not related. they're taking off in isolated
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areas. close to major roadways, a big fuel bank, and then burning into populated areas. so, i have a big suspicion about this. >> all right. i know you have to get to this conference we're going to be breaking into right now. authorities are outlining exactly what is in danger and how many folks are within danger. let's listen in. >> a few today even, the santa ana winds in may. year-round fire risk demands a high level of cooperation and coordination. and we have seen many, many improvements since the cedar fire in 2003, and what you're seeing today is the highest level of cooperation and coordination that has ever existed in this region, and we're better prepared than we've ever been, and in a few moments
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i'll introduce the mayor of the city of san diego and some other city officials here with me today, as well as county officials. a big shoutout to all of the first responders. the amazing job that has been done by all of you that are out there, both those in the air and on the ground. after all, that is the one-two punch that puts the fires out. the air attack takes it from the air, retards the flames, but it's the boots on the ground that.the fires -- that put the fires out, so a big thank you to all of you, including law enforcement, all the other agencies that have played a part in this effort. in the past few days have been very difficult ones for san diegoans. yesterday we had nine confirmed simultaneous fires that have challenged residents and responders alike. we have seen almost 10,000 acres that have been scorched, and
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unfortunately, the primary damage assessments found at least seven homes and 18 unit apartment complex were destroyed. at least seven additional homes and two businesses have been damaged. today the cocos fire in san marcos is the active danger, and our thoughts are with the residents who have lost their homes and those who remain to be evacuated and are understandably we have seen the images, been watching the flareups occurring, and they are very dramatic and we want to emphasize that if you work or live in the area that is under evacuation orders, please leave. there were people in the cedar fire that did not heed the evacuation order and they are not here today.
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we have had no lives lost during these fires in the state, and we don't want any lives lost. that's the number one priority to save life and second to save property. since tuesday, alert san diego has sent out evacuation alerts in areas with more than 125,000 people, and as bad as the last few days have been, we have also seep the best from our region. as i mentioned earlier, our first responders and our local governments -- >> we're going to continue monitoring this. you might hear a lot of references to the 2003 fires in the san diego area, occurring in october 2003, 15 firefighters that at the time burped for two weeks, primarily san diego county and ventura county, riverside county. those fires ultimately forced 80,000 people to evacuate, and
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involved more than 15,500 firefighters and playses that ultimately -- blaze that ultimately killed 24 people and destroyed close to 4,000 homes. it's that disaster to which city officials are referring when they say they don't want to get back to anything approaching that. you can see from the footage today, when a lot of these fires combined, that they are very, very worried. history could be repeating itself. because, a., it's occurring earlier, and the conditions are a lot more ripephone -- ripe for making them worse. we have an official from calfire. what can you tell us whether the fires escalate to the degree that your colleagues fear? >> very aggressive fires, very active fires, so early in the area. but because california has been experiencing a drought conditions for several years now, the grass, the brush, the trees, are kinder-dry, and even
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though it's only may, these areas, like san diego county, are ripe for wildfires. you add these unusual santa ana winds for this early in the year, and obviously the results are dozens of wildfires. all in all yesterday alone we responded to three dozen wildfires cross california. most kept small. unfortunately many of those fires continue to burn today. >> do you know after the 2003 fire, the big one many officials are eluding, what did they do? obviously mountains were just stripped clean, homes decimated but rebuilding followed. in retrospect, too much? >> in 2003 and then in fire season 2007. hundreds of thousands of ainge kerrs were burn because we had santa ana winds that blew for over a week. this has only been a couple of days and we're expecting the winds to diminish by tonight and
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even see some cooling by tomorrow. that may be the difference how long these santa anas are blowing. since 2007, actually in 2008, the following year, the state actually instituted in -- new standards to make them more fire resistant so when embears rain down on home -- embers rain down on homes think homes increase their stand of surviving by withstanding the embers. >> do we know whether the homes being burned today or through the fires are those that were part of these new construction requirements or the old type. >> it's too early to tell. one thing that here in california we continuously educate our home openers on is making sure they maintain 100 feet of defensible space. that's required by law. all dead grass, brush, and trees, is completely removed 100 feet from the home. that with our new building codes
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will hopefully increase the chance of homes surviving. we have had minimal homes destroyed. our firefighters have been on the front lines since day one of this, working to protect those homes. but when santa ana winds blow as ferocious as they have, it's a challenge. >> some of the aerials of homes not yet consumerred bug in the fire's path, a lot of vegetation and trees trees and bush going t up to the home. so those people have not adhered to the rules and i wonder if it was a strict law or just new construction? >> it is a continuous process to make sure that all home owners have that 100 feet of defensible space around their home. we know as firefighters you have that space, those good building materials for your home to be built out of, that's going to give your home a chance to survive. not everybody listens.
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a lot of people believe it's never going to happen know. but it's not if a wildfire will occur. it's when. and this year that when is a lot sooner than normal. we're in may and have seen an 100% increase in hour fire activity and we're just getting into the summer months, conditions get even hotter so the likelihood of more fathers and even larger fires, unfortunately, is very, very high. >> oh, my goodness. officer, thank you very, very much. again, as the officer was pointing out, they are kind of used to this. you can never be getad to the severity of this but almost every four years they deal with serious fires. i mentioned the one that was the most severely in recent memory, 2003, but 2007 it happened all over again. also, back then in october when we had 16 wildfires through simi valley, down to the mexican border. at that time involved three
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deaths, and minute worse in -- much worse in 2003, but very dry conditions in the state and homes built in areas that were complying to fire-safe rules, that is, clearing your property by 100 feet of any brush or anything that could catch fire. again, as he opinioned out, the winds are severe enough, sweeping fast enough, 200, 300 feet might not be enoughment these winds have been very quick. the economic fallout of this, besides those in the affected areas, we should also update you that no less than fedex, the big overnight delivery service, said that traffic of packagings being delivered has already been impacted, and could have a cascading effect. you're looking at a mansion in the path of this. another home that does not seem to have complied with the rules about clearing brush and trees immediately around the property. this guess right up to the house
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itself. we have mark murphy on the phone who knows the fallout from something like this. it's going to affect travel. i know, as we were doing this, the colorado fires a couple of years ago affected people who were vacationing from some of our nation's most pristine parks, all the way to the california coast. so people canceled plans and asked questions later. what is your advice to folks looking down the road? >> i look at the geographic area. it's fairly limited in the scope of california. so don't write off california as a tourism destination. moats of the places are open -- most of the places are opening and operating normally outside of that immediate vicinity. so farther north, you're fine in los angeles county and et cetera. so i would see fragmentic but don't jump to major concludes this will affect your trip unless you're planning to good to that specific area. >> there's also the fear -- i
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know after the colorado fires and the extended through much of the southwest, a couple years ago, even last year, the arizona fires that killed 19 elite firefighters, almost a year ago next month, people hear and see these things and say, what are travel safe areas to go? how do i avoid this. you're saying, don't jump the gun. >> don't jump the gun, and we're geographically challenged here in the u.s. in many cases. we hear of a wildfire in california, we think all of california is on fire. same thing in foreign countries. so, again, use common sense. look at the area. when you're in these places, just as the officer said that was just on earlier, you have to use common sense. don't hang out if they're telling you to evacuate, and youless top the public officials -- listen to the public officials because they'll keep you save, and thank god for the firefighters and those on
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the ground because they're keeping us safe. >> you're looking at one of these homes in harm's way. san diego and tharyaround it, san marcos, one of the richest and most exclusive areas of the country, to put it mildly, and some of these homes have not complied with rules that went into effect in 2003 and were doubled up again in 2007 after serious fires. those two combined, killed upwards of 60 people over the course of those back-to-backfires, even though they were over four years, and a number of new building standards put into place. shepard got into this about new building codes that take effect after hurricanes, making buildings more wind or hurricane resistant, and in japan to make building more earthquake-resist stan, but sometimes, no matter what you do to ward mother nature off, isn't going to do much. in this case the rule of thumb
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was, how about not making your home a target by clearing the brush all the way around the home of anything that can light up, to avoid being in the path of this. unfortunately even if you do that, in the face of something like that, all the protects in the world aren't going to help you, just like all the protections in the worth against a category 3 or above hurricane going to help you, just like not going to help you in japan in the case of a massive earthquake and tsunami. you prepare, and when it happens you're not ready, and these are some multimillion dollar mansions for which the owners talk to every precaution they thought to build their dream home, and now it is looking like a nightmare more after this.
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incredible day. as i was watching the ceremony for the 9/11 museum, i really couldn't help but think, would it all have happened without this woman? debra burl game last her brother when he plane he was piloted was attacked. she has been relentless and a real pain in the butt to any legislator or politician who won't hear her out. thanks to her efforts and others like her, to say nothing of the bravery of her brother and so many like hem, we now have a
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museum to remember that day. we were chatting about people who don't remember that. i talked about my boys who were been after that day. how do you talk to them and kids who will visit the museum? how do you bring that home to them? >> you have to, i think, talk about what happened. in an honest way with kidded. nursery rhymes are pretty violent. witches eating children. huntsmen tearing out hearts. >> they're well prepped for this. >> well, they can handle it. but i think if you want to tell the story in a way that leaves them with something other than just this horrific tale, you come at it from good and evil. i said for years now that 9/11 was the triumph of human decency over human depravity. >> has to be hard for you walking through and seeing it.
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>> it is but i have to tell you, as sad as it is for me to lack at my brother's airplane wreckage, it's in there, with the american airline livery on it. the engine i know he checked. >> had you seen that prior? >> no. no. i actually didn't want to see it because i]-5z"u?ç didn't want ta part of the discussions about curating his wreckage. i wanted to go and have it more of a experience that was private. >> what did you become that -- a lot of 9/11 families who never found the remains of their loved ones and a lot of remains are underground. they hope to some day be able to identify them put they account and they're underground and they're upset. >> they have good reason to be upset. unfortunately, the relief they want they can't have. now, there are remains that are
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in -- with the mes office in a space adjacent to the museum that are being kept for the purposes of maybe identifying some day. and some will hold out hope. there's oud hope. remember there's over 1100 victims never identified. >> was your brother's? >> no. we got some small remains. we were lucky to get them because we wouldn't have been able to bury him. >> i was surprised that there were tring things you could retrieve. todd beamer's watch it they found. >> i brought this for you to look at. my mother died ten months before 9/11. this is my copy. chick had one in his wallet. this was found at the pentagon. it's laminated plastic, my mother's prayer card. this is in the museum. and it's very meaningful to us because on one side it says blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted and on this other side is this anonymous poem "i did not die".
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that was in his wallet in the cockpit of that plane, and it's virtually intact. >> a lot of people, talking about kids but a lot of other people because it's been, what, almost 13 years, they forget. it they forget. and i know someone has been like a stick in the you know what about this. you don't want people to forget. >> no. and it's not because i want people to remember my brother for generations. many men and women have died under terrible tragedies and terrible circumstances in war, illness. it's the history that people must never forget. it's what happened. it's why these people died. who did it and why. the lessons of history are part of the legacy of this museum. >> absolutely. >> this museum will continue to evolve and grow, and it will will be a learning place. it's a world class museum that will be a learning place. >> built on the site of the disaster itself. very unusual. >> very unique. >> thanks to you very much.
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debra, we have to stop meeting under these circumstances. >> we do, neil. >> but i very, very much enjoyed our conversations. and what i've learned over these 13 years. >> you've been a friend, neil. >> you have as well. i don't think i'd have half your courage. take a look at this. >> i can hear you. the rest of the world hears you. and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.
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>> i bet you know that guy on the left. do you know the guy on the right? he's with me right now. bob beckwith standing alongside president bush back then. bob didn't want it, but he became a piece of history. good to see you, bob. >> good to see you, too. >> you've been in the museum, i take it. >> no. >> you have not. >> no. it just -- it opened this morning, and i didn't get a chance to get down there. >> i talked to a lot of your friends and colleagues. some of them don't want to go. >> okay. that's fair. >> how about you? >> yeah, i'd like to go. >> bring back too much? >> i'd go down and see it, sure. in fact, i signed up with this guy to become a tour guide. >> really? well, you'd be a famous tour guide. could you tell me the story, i know you told it many times, you had no intention of becoming an
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unwitting figure in history. but they sort of literally picked you up, right? >> yeah. they did. they did. actually, my story goes that i was crushed by a truck waiting for the president to come. he was on the block and come back. and he was going to talk at this command post across the street. so i figured all the microphones there, that's where he would be. so i had a nice place on the truck to see him, and this guy comes over and dusts off next to my foot. i didn't know who he was, but he lit me know later it was karl rove. i didn't know who karl rove was. >> the name rings a bell. >> yeah. and he says, you know, somebody important is coming over here. when they do, you help them up and then you get down. i said okay.
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and the president is coming, right in front of me. i said, wow i said, are you okay, mr. president? he said yeah. i start to get down. he said, where are you going? >> you know, they have that fire truck, some of the rubble from it that scene, and they have that bull horn. so you are part of this hiss in this museum. how do you feel about that? >> very good. they should put part of george bush's -- >> no. but you're there, too, young man. >> i just happened to be the guy with george bush. he was the president, and i just happened to be the guy next to him. that's it in a nutshell. >> do you think kids should see this, young kids? >> i don't see why not. >> you moan the museum itself? >> sure r. why not? >> what do you teach them rg rg tell your kids, your groond kids? >> you tell them, this is what happen, this is what these
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people did to us. they were bad people and they did this to us. they wrecked a lot of lives, all those poor people in those buildings and these not only the firefighters and cops and the port authorities, all those civilians. that was a bad day in our higs tr history. we read about the alamo, we made about other things that happened in our country. i was around for -- i remember pearl harbor. i was around then. i had to have gotten the pin for it that too. so it doesn't say remember. it says never forget. those are the two biggest words. that's all we need to say. >> well put. bob, thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you for guys like you on that day. every time, bob, i don't know about you, every time i see these events, i can't get
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through it. i just can't get through it. that was then. i always think of my own boys. it they weren't around for that, and i think of all of those born after 9/11. for moms and dads who are never here. (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade
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